Masijid megah!

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy .....

Masjid Alharom

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever ...


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever...

Masjid Sultan-omar-ali

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever ...


In order to maintain knowledge of Islamic fait

  Weaknesses and strengths depend on the attitudes of Muslims and their mentaliti in controlling the affairs of their lives in this world. Al-Quran and hadith is a reference and guide to the whole Muslim community.  If Muslims understand and practice the teachings of the Koran and Hadith, they will become one nation's strong and authoritative. The context of the teachings of the Koran and hadith should be understood in a broad perspective merangkumi ehwal mundane things and the hereafter.  Islamic scholars of the past to review and understand the Quran and hadith in depth. By then they were able to guard and maintain the validity and truth of Islam in the face of various forms of threats and cabaran.  Cabaran of faith and the teachings of Islam faced by Muslims are diverse. To overcome this problem Muslims need to examine the weaknesses which exist in the society in a rational and wise.  Cabaran against the creed of Islam is often presented in the form of thought and kefahaman. To overcome this problem perbahasan and rationally and intlektual explanation is needed.  Radical and violent actions in the face of cabaran creed is not consistent with the nature or science. This action may cause a negative impression of the authority of Islam.  Perbahasan and debates related to the belief or doctrine is a common phenomenon for developed countries and are building. Streaming various sciences including religious teachings, doctrine, ideology, technology and others are not allowed to make sesebuah sake only advanced country in technology instead he also developed into a center of science and doctrine.  Muslims need to provide themselves with in-depth knowledge and various drainage so that every doctrine and ideology are transmitted can be resolved rationally and wisdom.  Caliph al-Ma'mun very interested in the sciences who use reason or logic, including Greek philosophy, Sanskrit and Arabic. When his government drainage sciences than the Greek and Rom philosophy and doctrines of various religions to sue the position of Islamic theology relating to the concept of Tauhid which dianuti by Muslims.  When these Islamic scholars so assiduously studied the sciences philosophy, logic and other religious doctrines in order to defend the Islamic faith in a rational and logical.  Muslims in this country need to show a deep interest to science. Studying science in various fields can form a stable mind and soul and berhemah. Lack of expertise in science is not allowed to weaken the Muslims' sake only in maintaining the faith and the teachings of Islam even he may also cause less wise Muslims in action.  Mother father and the whole Muslim community needs to instill the spirit of reading and interested in learning various sciences together there than Muslims or not Islam kerana Prophet SAW said to mean, "If you do not understand the ignorance you will be involved in ignorance."